Keith Glass

Probably the name ROSS RYAN brings a
�whatever happened to?� response from
most people these days.
But in the early 1970s his quirky singer/songwriter
material not only brought hits but a
slew of major label albums that inexplicably
dried up with the last, Smiling For
The Camera coming out over 20 years
ago. Since then his biggest hit I Am
Pegasus still fires up on hits and memories
radio but the man himself has been even
less than low key, averaging by his
own estimation about "two gigs a year"
over the past decade.
He has spent that time building his
own studio, ironically intended for
his own use but sidetracked by outside
the time he was warming up for a new
project but explains "it wasn�t like
people were beating down the door waiting
for the album. I�ve walked away from
albums in the past thinking �I wish
we�d done this or that�. I didn�t have
deadline pressures so I thought I�d
do one that I like."
The result is One Person Queue, a finely
manicured and honed work with an astounding
variety of styles and sounds and guest
performers snatched from past clients
and present friends. Ross comments he
spent "two and a half years plus installing
the equipment and learning how to use
it" and admits to maybe being a little
obsessive/compulsive about the project.
He is quick to point out "there is actually
a huge drawback with infinite tracks
because you have infinite options, I
always worked live solo, for economic
reasons, but the stuff I�m known for
was recorded with orchestras and lots
of extras. If I had the bucks I�d be
Not that obsessive/compulsive please
Ross, but he did have the luxury of
not watching any clock except his own
biological one. He adds, "I wanted to
craft what I did, for instance Not Our
Time only came about because ANDREW
CLERMONT came in and dumped a load of
stuff on my hard drive which I spent
a month turning into an arrangement."
Also joining in is Spectrum�s MIKE RUDD,
MARK HOLDEN, GLYN MASON, sax/harmonica
band), the aforementioned Ms Leslie
and Brisbane choir THE O.K. CHORALE.
The latter were briefly visiting Victoria
and Ross grabbed them for the gospel
closer Walk On Water. JoJo is on Ross�
favourite cut The Only Show In Town
� he says "it took ages to write and
I agonised over the lyrics but it turned
out to be easy to record and I like
The former budding country star (Jo
Jo) is also on the current country single
Cool Water while Mike Rudd plays harmonica
and even yodels on the bluegrass style
breakdown Look Out For The Ricochet,
a real rootin� tootin rip snorter.
So is Ross Ryan now a country artist?
"You tell me" he says, "the country
market has been very accommodating and
is playing my stuff."
With gigs increasing and more fun projects
in mind � he is planning to go out with
Mark Holden as �Idol & Idle� for
instance - Ross Ryan is pretty contented
with his lot. The album release date
is promised for about the time you may
read this along with a chance for immortality
for the many who have responded to an
offer to have their name engraved on
the accompanying booklet in a brilliant
promotional stunt thought up by Coathanger
Productions. A load of Ross Ryan fans
won�t have to ask anymore �whatever
happened�� because (to paraphrase an
old country song) "it�s happening to
the whole country!".