Ross Ryan
CD released at last!
Ross' CD has finally been released after a massive gestation and heartache
to match - and Ross is denying everything! Thank goodness Bill passed on my
free copy, otherwise I would never have known that it was out. Over the past
two to twenty years, Ross has been working on this project; writing, recording,
re-writing, re-recording, deliberating, agonising and probably hallucinating.
Anybody who can play an instrument has done sessions for Ross - and just about
all their performances are on the finished CD. I urge Ross Ryan fans out there
to go to Ross' website and find out where he's playing, go and buy from him
in person and get the story about the saga first hand. While you're there,
ask him about the inverted vehicle he's standing in front of (see pic)
like some latter day insurance agent. For Spectrumophiles, Robbo
positively permeates every track, with Bill and Mike taking a couple as well.
One Person Queue - Ross Ryan's CD
Top L-R 1) Ross goes
2) Jo Jo Leslie, Mark Holden and my lyrics book 3)
Ross presents James Feldman with a well deserved long service award during the
show 4) Keyboard ace and legendary comedian, Steve Blackburn
5) Rudd on stage with the Dot Combo performing Look Out For The Ricochet
6) Mike with Idol judge Mark Holden
7) Bill cuddling up with Steve Romig, Dot Combo's Anne Eastaugh
and Steve's daughter Jessie

- Yesterday evening at Camberwell's Palace Hotel, Ross Ryan (and Company) held
a wonderfully successful launch for Ross' long-awaited CD, One Person Queue.
Lots of the Ryan faithful were in attendance- I've never seen so many women
mouthing the words to songs as if in a trance - and Ross produced the goods
in his inimitablely good-natured way. Nothing would have happened at all without
the backup of the Ryan team, starting with wife and manager Tina, and son and
door bitch Paul. Sound man and all round know-all James Feldman was singled
out for honours during the night, and Ross' band, the Dot Combo, (including
Spectrum's Robbo on drums) performed with distinction. Altogether an evening
to remember, which can't always be said of CD launches.